#Diagonal sudoku puzzles software#
Anaconda, a pre-packaged Python distribution that contains all of the necessary libraries and software for this project.They are not to be run separately, but will be called when running solution.py. PySudoku.py and visualize.py- Helper files for visualizing the solution.solution.py - Solves a diagonal Sudoku puzzle and visualizes the solution.We pick a box with a minimal number of possible values and try to solve each of the puzzles obtained by choosing each of these values, recursively. In the process of problem solving, we may get to the point where two or more possibilities are available. As we apply these functions repeatedly, this constraint ensures the resulting board will have a unique value for each box on each diagonal. The diagonal Sudoku problem: When we add diagonal units to both the unit and peer dictionaries, all the functions such as naked_twins, eliminate and only_choice ( solution.py) will take into account this new constraint.When we apply Naked Twins strategy, together with Eliminate and Only Choice, repeatedly, we will likely reach a solution to the Sudoku. As we do so, we recompute the possible value sets across the unit. So if two boxes have naked twins as possibilities, we can remove these possibilities from the rest of the boxes in the same unit. The naked twins problem: Each box must have a different value from the rest of the boxes in the same unit.Key AI concepts: Constraint propagationīelow is an explanation of how constraint propagation is applied to solve the naked twins problem and the diagonal Sudoku problem (see solution.py for the implementation): See the final section in this README document Sudoku explained for an overview of Sudoku, diagonal Sudoku and relevant terminologies. This project applies two AI concepts, Constraint Propagation and Depth-first Search, to solve diagonal Sudoku puzzles. Extreme diagonal sudoku puzzles, 4 puzzles per page.Solve Sudoku with Artificial Intelligence Synopsis.Expert diagonal sudoku puzzles, 4 puzzles per page.Hard diagonal sudoku puzzles, 4 puzzles per page.Easy diagonal sudoku puzzles, 4 puzzles per page.Very easy diagonal sudoku puzzles for kids, 4 puzzles per page.
#Diagonal sudoku puzzles update#
This website will provide you printable Diagonal Sudoku puzzles, we daily update including solutions. Printable Diagonal Sudoku puzzles (Daily update)

Number 1-9 can only appear once on each diagonal line.Number 1-9 can only appear once in each group.Number 1-9 can only appear once in each row.Number 1-9 can only appear once in each column.Numbers cannot be repetitive in each row, each column, each group (3x3 grids in rough-line boxes) and two sides of each diagonal line. The solving process of diagonal Sudoku is to fill numbers from 1-9 in 9x9 grids. It also has more requirements related to players’ observation capacities. Since diagonal Sudoku has more requirements, the solving process is more challenging and interesting.

Numbers on two sides of diagonal lines have to be numbers from 1-9 and cannot be repeated. Based on standard Sudoku, diagonal Sudoku has more requirements. X Sudoku is also referred to diagonal Sudoku.